All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.  Edmund Burke
Not only are many good men doing nothing, people like former MP Denis MacShane are complicit by refusing to acknowledge evil when they see it. Â McShane is probably not someone that Burke would have put into the “good men” camp. Â He was forced to resign in 2012 over an expense scandal for which he was later jailed. Â He now grudgingly admits,
I think there was a culture of not wanting to rock the multicultural community boat if I may put it like that.
To what is he referring?
 … the oppression of women within bits of the Muslim community in Britain …  Emphasis WWTFT
The “bits” of the Muslim community to which he is referring are responsible for the sadistic treatment of
… at least 1,400 girls who were groomed and raped over two decades in Rotherham, a grim postindustrial town in northern England. Most of the victims were working-class. They were typically 12 to 14 when they were lured into a life of drugs, alcohol and abuse. Nearly all the abusers were Muslim men of Pakistani origin.  The Globe and Mail  – 9/4/2014
McShane excuses the inexcusable by admitting,
 Perhaps yes, as a true Guardian reader, and liberal leftie, I suppose I didn’t want to raise that too hard.
Apparently, old habits die hard. Â McShane persists in not rocking the multicultural community boat.
There is in our country, just a dreadful culture and I wouldn’t pick particular on one ethnic community but it is a real problem, it’s a longer story about the nature of that community, their sexual relations, and the way they treat women in particular within that community, there’s a big problem. When I met the Imams and my friends they were always as horrified as I was at any of the newspaper reports.  Emphasis WWTFT
This is not a small scale problem. Â The abuse has been going on for a very long time and is widespread. Â Those who have tried to bring it to the fore, have been castigated for their lack of cultural empathy.
A researcher who raised the alarm over the sexual abuse of teenage girls in Rotherham more than a decade ago was sent on a ‘ethnicity and diversity course’ by child protection bosses who refused to act on her evidence.
The researcher, who was seconded to Rotherham council by the Home Office, was told she must “never, ever” again refer to the fact that the abusers were predominantly Asian men.
Speaking to the BBC’s Panorama programme under the condition of anonymity, the researcher said that she identified more 270 victims of trafficking and underage prostitution by mainly Muslim gangs in Rotherham. Â Rotherham researcher ‘sent on diversity course’ after raising alarm
This article in Forbes, points out that sociologists have successfully convinced the government that the entire police force in Britain is inherently, and institutionally racist. Â This big lie gathered speed 15 years ago when the horror in Rotherham was just starting.
Fifteen years ago, when these crimes were just beginning, the Stephen Lawrence Inquiry into the conduct of the British police was made by Sir William Macpherson a High Court judge. The immediate occasion had been a murder in which the victim was black, the perpetrators white, and the behaviour of the investigating police lax and possibly prejudiced. The report accused the police – not just those involved in the case, but the entire police force of the country – of ‘institutionalised racism’. This piece of sociological newspeak was, at the time, very popular with leftist sociologists. For it made an accusation which could not be refuted by anyone who had the misfortune to be accused of it.
However well you behaved, however scrupulously you treated people of different races and without regard to their ethnic identity or the colour of their skin, you would be guilty of ‘institutionalised racism’, simply on account of the institution to which you belonged and on behalf of which you were acting. Not surprisingly, sociologists and social workers, the vast majority of whom are professionally disposed to believe that middle class society is incurably racist, latched on to the expression. MacPherson too climbed onto the bandwagon since, at the time, it was the easiest and safest way to wash your hands in public, to say that I, at least, am not guilty of the only crime that is universally recognised and everywhere in evidence.
As a consequence, the article continues, the police became more concerned with political correctness, than crime.
The result of this has been that police forces lean over backwards to avoid the accusation of racism, while social workers will hesitate to intervene in any case in which they could be accused of discriminating against ethnic minorities. Matters are made worse by the rise of militant Islam, which has added to the old crime of racism the new crime of ‘Islamophobia’. No social worker today will risk being accused of this crime. In Rotherham a social worker would be mad, and a police officer barely less so, to set out to investigate cases of suspected sexual abuse, when the perpetrators are Asian Muslims and the victims ethnically English. Best to sweep it under the carpet, find ways of accusing the victims or their parents or the surrounding culture of institutionalised racism, and attending to more urgent matters such as the housing needs of recent immigrants, or the traffic offences committed by those racist middle classes.
Americans too are familiar with this syndrome. Political correctness among sociologists comes from socialist convictions and the tired old theories that produce them. But among ordinary people it comes from fear. The people of Rotherham know that it is unsafe for a girl to take a taxi-ride from someone with Asian features; they know that Pakistani Muslims often do not treat white girls with the respect that they treat girls from their own community. They know, and have known over fifteen years, that there are gangs of predators on the look-out for vulnerable girls, and that the gangs are for the most part Asian young men who see English society not as the community to which they belong, but as a sexual hunting ground. But they dare not express this knowledge, in either words or deed. Still less do they dare to do so if their job is that of social worker or police officer. Let slip the mere hint that Pakistani Muslims are more likely than indigenous Englishmen to commit sexual crimes and you will be branded as a racist and an Islamophobe, to be ostracised in the workplace and put henceforth under observation.
The moral equivalency crowd are sure to point out the parallels in recent years with the Roman Catholic sex scandals. Â To be sure, pedophile priests are every bit as reprehensible as any other deviant. Â The difference is that society is not disposed to give them a pass for their actions when uncovered. Â In fact, the current trend is to latch on to anything that besmirches Christianity as a whole, notwithstanding denominational differences, and make sure it gets lots of press.
Conversely, it is verboten to criticize Muslims, for fear of being labeled a racist, even if that means refusing to mention that aspect of the story, like this story in the Guardian. Â Not once is the word Muslim, Pakastani, or even Asian used. Â They do offer a quote from Home Secretary, Theresa May,
She said: “I am clear that cultural concerns – both the fear of being seen as racist, and the frankly disdainful attitude to some of our most vulnerable children – must never stand in the way of child protection. We know that child sexual exploitation happens in all communities. There is no excuse for it in any of them. And there is never any excuse for failing to bring its perpetrators to justice.”  Emphasis WWTFT
If sexual exploitation is not ok in any community, why was it necessary to bring other communities into this issue? Â Once again, political correctness dictates that we must make sure to point out that the un-named community involved shares this crime with all communities. Â Even when forced to acknowledge that something horrendous has been going on for almost two decades, these people steadfastly hold to their dogma, and bend over backwards to ensure that no one draws a politically incorrect conclusion.
The new spin is that it is class and misogyny that caused this.  According to Diane Abbott, MP for Hackney North and Stoke Newington.
But the truth about child sex abuse scandal in Rotherham is that, at the highest level of the local establishment, nobody cared. Ultimately this, more than ‘political correctness’ explains why the tragic victimisation and abuse of these girls could have happened on such a scale and continued for so long.
Once again, faced with a horrible action perpetrated by Pakistani Muslims, we can simply attribute to misogyny (something that can occur in any culture, after all) and the uncaring upper class.
The apologetics is palpable.
After all, only a tiny minority of Muslim men were involved in abusing girls. Furthermore it has become apparent that many Muslim girls were abused too – but a culture of shame stopped them from coming forward.
Issues around gender and class were at the root of events in Rotherham, together with the ease of covering up scandals in a one-party town. And there may have been something in the nature of the patriarchal political establishment, where party bosses do deals with self-styled ‘community leaders’, which made those who could have done something prepared to turn a blind eye and unwilling to disrupt cozy arrangements.
Apparently this all happened because of nasty women haters, who just coincidentally happened to be Muslim, in combination with crooked politicians.  Among the latter, (and probably also former) would be councillor Jahangir Akhtar.  Akhtar was arrested for a restaurant brawl, but avoided judgment “after a police commander handed the judge a glowing reference.”
Akhtar’s cousin Arshid ÂHussain was named in the official report into the scandal as a “boyfriend†of up to 18 girls who are believed to have been abused.
And his son Tanveer is a Âconstable working for South ÂYorkshire Police – the force which was slammed alongside the Âcouncil for failing to stop the Âsystematic sex abuse of 1,400 Âchildren over a period of 16 years.
Last night Akhtar denied that he protected his cousin in any way or that he knew about any inappropriate relationships.
Another councillor suspended by Labour last week – Shaukat Ali, 60 – has a relative serving 22 years in jail for flooding the Âpolitician’s ward with ecstasy.
Caged dealer Shawyat Iqbal is also the older brother of a Âbutcher who was hacked to death in a frenzied machete attack last year.
We cannot fight evil, unless we recognize, and name it when we see it. Â One can understand, if not respect, the fear of bodily harm from Muslims who are willing to engage in so-called “honor killings” of their own daughters, and who will brook not even the slightest criticism of their religion. Â But the fear of merely being labeled a racist or Islamophobe, is a pernicious form of cowardice.
NOTE: The discerning may wish to consider if there is a correlation between the political philosophy that overwhelmingly rules the Rotherham Metropolitan Bureau, the policies they espouse, and the consequences thereof.
The political party representation of Rotherham councillors is:
The Cabinet is made up of ten councillors, including the Leader and Deputy Leader of the Council. It has decision-making powers given to it by the full Council.
1 comment
Despite what my sins may be, however great in number or severe in nature, I wouldn’t want to be a politician come judgement day. So many people they have harmed in so many ways for so many years the world over. Beware the state!
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