Today's Politicos vs The Words and Deeds of The Founders
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Pagan America – The Decline of Christianity and the Dark Age to Come – Part 2

The systematic removal of religion from all aspects of public life, most specifically education and politics, has been devastating to Christian values. 60 years after the secularization of schools, the impact of the moral relativism and rejection of traditional Christian beliefs in two successive generations can hardly be overstated. Simultaneously, mainstream Protestant churches have shifted in the direction of the culture. 56% of evangelicals deny the doctrine of original sin. 73% of them say they believe that Jesus was created by God, 56% believe that God accepts the worship of all religions, including Islam. 43% believe Jesus was a great teacher but not God. All these are forms of heresies that were long-dead after the first few centuries of the Christian church and the writings of Augustine, the Council of Nycea, Aquinas and others. In 1960, 50% of America identified as one of the mainline Protestant denominations. Today it is only 10%. On marriage, sexuality, abortion and social justice, many churches have “watered down their theology and ... embraced liberal politics on activism, that one today can hardly consider them Christian in any meaningful or historical sense.”   Read the rest of this entry »

July 7, 2024   No Comments

Pagan America – The Decline of Christianity and the Dark Age to Come – Part 1

This book is a panoramic historical treatise on the pagan world before Judeo-Christian influence, the impact of Christianity in replacing paganism in the Western world, and its modern resurgence. The author painstakingly delineates how the spread of Christianity/Western Civilization liberated souls from slavery, barbarism and misery, and how America is currently discarding its values and principles and retreating to a pagan system.   Read the rest of this entry »

June 29, 2024   No Comments

Benjamin Franklin by John T Morse (American Statesmen Series, Volume 1)

John T Morse gives us a full bodied and fascinating look at a man who distinguished himself from his peers by his talents, service and virtues.   Read the rest of this entry »

September 17, 2022   No Comments

The Politically Incorrect Guide to PANDEMICS by Steven W Mosher

At first glance, this book looks like a part of the “For Dummies” series. (You know, Computers for Dummies, Cooking for Dummies, Nuclear Physics for Dummies, etc). The cover graphics show a mask (made in China) and the logo of a winking pig. Near the mask is this quote: “When this virus is over, I still want some of you to stay away from me”, a sentiment to which I instantly relate. Then I discovered that this “Politically Incorrect Guide” is actually one book in a series of some 30 odd books dealing with everything from American History, to Women and Feminism.   Read the rest of this entry »

August 31, 2022   No Comments

The Ghost Ship of Brooklyn  -  An Untold Story of the American Revolution

The Ghost Ship of Brooklyn is a fascinating narrative of a surprisingly obscure chapter in the history of the American Revolution.    The author tells the story largely from the accounts of 5 separate prisoners of war who were held on the HMS Jersey, a British Warship that was gutted (‘hulked’ was the term used in the book).    As many as 15 smaller British ships, were also hulked and along with the Jersey, served as floating prisons.    Over the 7 years between 1776 and 1783, these ships served in this despicable capacity and were moored at Wallabout Bay on the East River in Brooklyn.    Read the rest of this entry »

November 16, 2021   No Comments

Unreported Truths about COVID-19 and Lockdowns by Alex Berenson

With this unglamorous and unexciting title, Alex Berenson, a former NYT reporter, takes us on a journey through the labyrinth of changing policies, inaccurate statistics, and what he calls the Apocalypse Media. Their politicized narrative about COVID-19 begun when the virus story was still in its infancy.   Read the rest of this entry »

December 13, 2020   No Comments

Apparently, I Am A Racist

I have long been fighting the characterization. But now I realize that it is actually racist not to judge someone not on his actions, but on what race he was. Apparently, I was confused.   Read the rest of this entry »

August 26, 2014   7 Comments

Old Gord’s Records – Volume 1: Old Dan’s Records

Erich is, quite possibly, Gordon Lightfoot's biggest fan. Here is his review of one of Lightfoot's best albums.   Read the rest of this entry »

August 16, 2014   1 Comment

American Independents

Some thoughts on what it means to be an American today ... and what it used to mean.   Read the rest of this entry »

July 4, 2014   2 Comments

Lost Sheep

To all the mindless sheeple who traipse around self-righteous and self-glorified, eager to embrace the next perversion d’ jour? To the ones who “care” Eric has only one non-accepting thing to say.   Read the rest of this entry »

March 29, 2013   2 Comments