With this unglamorous and unexciting title, Alex Berenson, a former NYT reporter, takes us on a journey through the labyrinth of changing policies, inaccurate statistics, and what he calls the Apocalypse Media. Their politicized narrative about COVID-19 begun when the virus story was still in its infancy.
Like Sheryl Atkinsson, Bernard Goldberg and others, Alex Berenson abandoned the establishment media complex and applied his skills as an investigative reporter to ferret out the truth, an endeavor long ago sacrificed to the priorities of political correctness and the leftwing media agenda. As he says in the book, the old adage, “if your mother says she loves you, check it out†is at the heart of his discipline.
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This 3 part series comes in the form of digestible thin paperbacks, almost pamphlets in size, self-published and also released as online eBooks. Part 1 discusses how the Death Counts and Estimates were developed. Part 2 deals with Lockdowns as a strategy. Part 3 is dedicated to the efficacy of masks. In each book, the author has meticulously researched the science before and during the pandemic, and how the science was in many cases changed to fit the narrative.
Like many of us, Mr. Berenson could not make sense of the confusing, changing and conflicting data. If the so-called experts knew from the beginning that COVID 19 affected primarily the elderly and infirm with co-morbidities, why didn’t the policy implemented in most countries reflect that knowledge? And why, as the months went by, have governments and health organizations continued to promote policies unsupported by science? Why has the Media gone to extraordinary lengths to shut down anyone who asks the same questions: Why have the death forecasts been so incorrect? Why are the numbers reported as “cases†when they are actually just positive tests, not cases at all? How many asymptomatic people are there? What are the facts about children and why does the Media push the narrative that “the virus affects everyone†when the science clearly says otherwise? These and hundreds of questions are discussed through the series.
In his introduction, Mr. Berenson shares his travails trying to get these spartan books published and how initially, Amazon refused to do so. He shares the unlikely help he received from a man he has never met or spoken to, Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla and Space X. It was Musk’s Twitter platform that created public awareness eventually forcing Amazon to acquiesce. He attacks the “panic porn†and fear mongering that plagues our culture, that demonizes those who don’t wear masks and fosters the shutdown mentality that lacks basis in science and causes immeasurable harm.
The story is fascinating and the author provides authoritative links throughout the series. His research is meticulous. I do not know if he intends to continue, but I hope for all our sakes that he does. There are many who now are fighting the lies and untruths about COVID. The recent Denmark mask study and the Great Barrington Declaration are among the most current examples. Resistance to unreasonable and unscientific dictates appears to be growing. These booklets are invaluable for providing facts and context to what has been the issue of the year, if not the century. It is a story that is far from finished. How it ends depends upon honest brokers like Mr. Berenson and those he informs.
As Mr. Berenson says in his introduction, “the Truth is our best weapon. Onward.â€
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