Today's Politicos vs The Words and Deeds of The Founders
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Who you gonna believe, me or your lying eyes?

The powers that be must think we are really dumb. For a case in point, I saw the following headline on my Apple news widget. “What’s Wrong With the U.S. Economy? It’s You, Not the Data

Whoever wrote that headline hasn’t been to grocery store, purchased gasoline, replaced a hot water heater or an air conditioning system, or paid a utility bill in the past 3 years.

You will eat bugs, have nothing, and like it!

Addendum —

You are just stupid/uniformed/uneducated, everything is great. Don’t you know that the inflation rate has decreased? (It doesn’t matter that things cost a hell of a lot more than they did 4 years ago, next year it will only go up a little more! Last year we amputated both of your feet and one of your hands, the good news is that this year we’re only going after one thumb!

Pay no attention to all the homeless on the streets, the amount of consumer debt, or the real cost of food and gasoline (which is not included in the inflation rate). The stock market is up!


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