Today's Politicos vs The Words and Deeds of The Founders
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Cause for Celebration …

Yeah, I admit it. It feels good. Allow me to indulge in a heart-felt “waaaaa.”

Common sense has prevailed. The adults in WI have decided to act like adults and put the state back on a path to fiscal sanity. The union thugs lost one, finally!


1 Jeff Edelman { 06.05.12 at 10:15 pm }

If you ever wondered what Spiro T. Agnew meant when he said “nattering nabobs” that was it. Sad. So sad.


Martin Reply:

I normally don’t like to gloat, but in this case, these people are so despicable …

Waaaaa! The end of democracy. What B.S!

What they mean is, the election wasn’t close enough for them to steal – like they did with Al Franken.


2 steve { 06.06.12 at 3:37 am }

It was a good night, but there is lots of work going forward to November!


Martin Reply:

Steve, You are right about that.


3 James D. Best { 06.06.12 at 12:35 pm }

It looks as if San Jose and San Diego voters passed pension reform initiatives. Wow! Is even California getting the message?


Martin Reply:

But I’m sure the 9th Circuit Court is ready to overrule.


4 Gail Thiele { 06.06.12 at 2:27 pm }

We need to proceed cautiously because cornered animals are dangerous. The man says it’s the end of democracy. How? There was no vote tampering and obviously more than just Republicans or Conservatives voted to keep Walker. However, just as in the horror movies when you think the moister is dead, there is still a flicker of life in the dark corners waiting to burst forth.


Martin Reply:

Anybody who has watched films of the Unions in action at protests, whether in Seattle, NC, or WI, knows the truth of what you say. Some of these people can’t really be described any other way.


5 Michael E. Newton { 06.06.12 at 6:13 pm }

The end of democracy? Good. Now we can return to the republic our Founders created.

“A republic, if you can keep it!” ~ Ben Franklin


Martin Reply:

I was waiting for somebody to say that!


Michael E. Newton Reply:

You can rely on me!


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