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And so it goes. Once we brought spring flowers to graves, cleared away weeds and tried to recall faces grown dim in the shadows of the past. It has not been that way for most Americans for a long time.
We are free to spend this extra day off from work, for that is mostly what it is now, as we like. That’s the legacy of our dead warriors; the freedom to live as we choose. It is what they fought for on battlefields whose names we cannot pronounce in countries we cannot readily locate on a map.
Freedom can be lost in other ways. Â It can be lost when schools no longer transmit the ideals that make it possible. It can be lost when adults forget their value or trade them away through carelessness or neglect.
A memorial, Webster’s says, is “something that keeps remembrance alive.†It cannot be achieved on any single day.
Thanks to the vets, past, present & future–and to those who remember.
I think of Valley Forge. I think of the blood stains in the snow as the Continental Army marched to Trenton. I think of the Battle of Baltimore and the sight that Francis Scott Key saw. I think of the Alamo and Davy Crockett, Daniel Boone and Jim Bowie. I think of the Doughboys in the Second Battle of the Marne. I think of D-Day and Iwo Jima; the Battle of Inchon, Io Drang, Hue, Fallujah and Nuristan. Sacred American blood spilled. Sacred blood now desecrated. Americans restore its sacredness. Restore the Constitution of the United States of America.
Thank you, Jeff. Well said.
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