Today's Politicos vs The Words and Deeds of The Founders

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Teach Your Children Well …

In the September issue, Commentary Magazine published Wilfred Reilly’s review of Charles Murray’s new book, Facing Reality. It is a critical but fair assessment of Murray’s contention that racial differences account for differences in cognitive ability and crime rates. …

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February 19, 2022   No Comments

A Conversation with Ashley Rindsberg

I recently had the opportunity to talk with Ashley Rindsberg, author of the excellent The Gray Lady Winked (reviewed here). Rindsberg has been making some waves on Twitter recently and taking dishonest journalists to task, and he has a

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January 23, 2022   No Comments

On Bullshit by Harry G. Frankfurt

Sometimes the truth in a book or essay resonates and leaps off the page, supported by the reader’s own experience. Such was the case with On Bullshit. Recent events in the Supreme Court could have been scripted to support

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January 9, 2022   No Comments

The Ghost Ship of Brooklyn  -  An Untold Story of the American Revolution

The Ghost Ship of Brooklyn is a fascinating narrative of a surprisingly obscure chapter in the history of the American Revolution.    The author tells the story largely from the accounts of 5 separate prisoners of war who were held on the HMS Jersey, a British Warship that was gutted (‘hulked’ was the term used in the book).    As many as 15 smaller British ships, were also hulked and along with the Jersey, served as floating prisons.    Over the 7 years between 1776 and 1783, these ships served in this despicable capacity and were moored at Wallabout Bay on the East River in Brooklyn. 

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November 16, 2021   No Comments

The Gray Lady Winked by Ashley Rindsberg

To hear Ashley Rindsberg tell it, the story behind his journey to get The Gray Lady Winked published was rife with trials and tribulations, and after reading it, it isn’t hard to see why. Rindsberg, a well-traveled author and journalist, …

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October 8, 2021   1 Comment

Live Not By Lies by Rod Dreher

Live Not By Lies will not resonate with those who lack the ears to hear, or eyes to see. The subtitle, “A Manual for Christian Dissidents” might lead some to believe that this is a guide to fixing society’s problems …

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September 19, 2021   No Comments

Book Review: The Nautical Chart

Editor Note: A younger Martin wrote this review about 15 years ago.  The tone is different as is the voice he generally uses on WWTFT, however, rest assured, it’s him. He rescued this from his personal archives because he remembers

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September 1, 2021   No Comments

Women of the White House by Amy Russo

This is a good time for a new book about First Ladies. They are the forgotten heroes (or is it heroines) of American history, largely eclipsed by the brighter light cast by famous husbands. Their stories have not received the attention they deserve.

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July 17, 2021   No Comments

Valcour: The 1776 Campaign that Saved the Cause of Liberty

Jack Kelly’s latest history has done as much for Benedict Arnold’s reputation as Kenneth Robert’s Arundel. The difference being, Arundel was a historical novel and Valcour is a thorough treatment of the 1776 campaign to prevent the British from

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June 27, 2021   No Comments

Leftist Logic

Compliance is more important than any other criteria to a leftist. 

According to the CDC Corona virus has a > 99% survivability for people younger than age 69 and 94.6% for people over 70.

I’ll go out on a limb …

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April 13, 2021   No Comments