Today's Politicos vs The Words and Deeds of The Founders
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Interesting Things

Once again, I’ll try my hand and posting a few of the interesting things we’ve stumbled upon this week.  There are so, many good folks out there, we’re sure to have left some out.  It wasn’t intentional, honest.

houdon bust of Washington“Facts” regarding the lower strata of societyDon’t Give Up The Ship

Progressive Voter Rights to Match Progressive Taxation SchemeForloveofgodandcountry’s Blog

Crockett’s Caution and Affirmations For Patriots Be Sure You’re Right, Then Go Ahead

Sinking a mythAna the Imp

The Heritage Foundation on WisconsinThe Steady Conservative

CSS Georgiana: Lost and FoundToday’s History Lesson

Remember Environmentalists Using Mt. Kilimanjaro’s Retreating Snow Cap As Proof Of Global Warming?Motor City Times

The Wisconsin Ruling: Why play into the left’s hand?The Sentry Journal

Defending Hillary ClintonThe Cranky Housewife

What is the Abortion Debate About, Really?Political Realities

Self-Ownership and the Right to LifeThe Classic Liberal

Freedom is the AnswerThe Mind Numbed Robot

Is there a Constitutional Right to free housing?WyBlog

Mises on ‘Christian Socialism’The Other McCain

Left Upset About Libya Air Strikes: Will They Protest Obama Administration?Conservative Hideout


1 John Carey { 03.20.11 at 4:22 pm }

Thanks for the link Martin. It’s very much appreciated.


2 Matt { 03.20.11 at 6:16 pm }

Thanks for the link sir!


Martin Reply:

You’re welcome Matt. I always enjoy the Motor City Times!


3 Martin { 03.20.11 at 8:03 pm }

My pleasure, John. Sentry Journal is an awesome site. You guys set the bar pretty high.


4 Bob Mack { 03.20.11 at 9:20 pm }

Thanks for the link, Martin. I always enjoy exploring your recommended posts, and this new list appears as if it will keep me up reading until the wee hours.


Martin Reply:

Bob, I just wish I had your energy to be as prolific and cogent as you are.


5 LD Jackson { 03.21.11 at 2:55 am }

Thanks for the link, Martin. It is appreciated.


6 steve { 03.21.11 at 5:09 pm }

Thanks for the link Martin!


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